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Thoughts on the Aviation Jobs MarketIt is widely understood that virtually no industry operates in a bubble, and the aviation industry is no exception. Given […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Central Bank Digital Currencies: Net Positive For Aviation?
It is our belief that readers of this newsletter series are well-informed enough to understand what a central bank digital currency (CBDC) is. Lately, in […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
The FAA Has Been Busy
The FAA has been busy over the past couple of weeks. There are quite a few challenges facing the aviation industry from regulatory and safety standpoints, […]
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The State of AviationGiven what’s going on in the economy these days, and what has been going on for the past year, it’s not uncommon for folks to ask; “wh […]
On Aviation™ Admin wrote a new post right now
Aviation, Pay Attention To The ‘Canary In The Coal Mine’
Readers of this newsletter series will recall that countless times we have warned about major economic challenges ahead for the US and global economies. […]
Trends Research wrote a new post right now
It is always important for us within the aviation industry to understand what’s going on in the equity markets as well as the overall economy. The T […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Sustainable Aviation Fuels: An Update
If you were like us, over the past few months you have not heard as much about sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) as we heard about them in 2021 and 2022. […]
On Aviation™ wrote a new post right now
Welcome to the On Aviation™ Podcast – Ep 1Welcome to the On Aviation Podcast, where you will enjoy even better discussion around the topics we write about in our […]
On Aviation™ Admin changed their profile picture right now
Orlando O. Spencer I™ joined the group
Economics right now
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Regulations right now
On Aviation™ Admin created the group
Economics right now
On Aviation™ wrote a new post right now
Welcome to the On Aviation™ Podcast
Welcome to the On Aviation™ Podcast, where you will enjoy even better discussion around the topics we write about in our On Aviation™ newsletters. Joi […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
2023: The Year of Job Losses?
We are aware that our readers are well informed and have been keeping up to date with what’s been going on in the economy, the aviation industry, and in p […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Aviation Economic Impact
Many times in this newsletter series we have discussed the fragility of the aviation industry, not just here in the United States, but also across the […]
Trends Research wrote a new post right now
It is always important for us within the aviation industry to understand what’s going on in the equity markets as well as the overall economy. The T […]
Michael Snyder wrote a new post right now
The Global Banking System Is Truly In Uncharted Territory, And They Are Making Up The Rules As They Go Along
Fear is in the air. In recent days we have seen a level of panic that we have not witnessed since 2008, and in such an environment people just want to […]
Michael Snyder wrote a new post right now
The Dominoes Are Starting To Fall Very Rapidly Now – Could These Banks Be Next?
Welcome to the great banking collapse of 2023. Please try to enjoy the ride. When FTX crumbled, I explained to my readers that it was not the first d […]
Trends Research wrote a new post right now
It is always important for us within the aviation industry to understand what’s going on in the equity markets as well as the overall economy. The T […]
Michael Snyder wrote a new post right now
It’s Not Working! The Fed’s Emergency Rescue Plan Has Not Ended The Banking Panic!
The widespread panic that we just witnessed is definitely not what the bureaucrats at the Federal Reserve were anticipating. Following the second […]
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