Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Is War Bad for Civil Aviation?
It might be said that the beginning of modern aviation was on December 17, 1903, with the success of the Wright Brothers first ever heavier than air […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Aviation, Always a Casualty of War!
On March 15, 2022, less than one month into the war in Ukraine in our digest, “Ukraine War and Aviation: The loss of a Legend.” in highlighting avi […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Aviation, This Should Make More Sense Now.
Three weeks ago in our article ‘Aviation, Please Understand Fed’s Actions. Your Livelihood Depends On It!’ we stated we asked the following quest […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Aviation Going Green, But At What Cost?
We have stated many times in this newsletter series that the aviation industry is going green, or at least trying to do so. We’ve also stated that the i […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Aviation, Even Higher Inflation. You Don’t Say…
Friends, I know that you might be somewhat exhausted from hearing about inflation so often, particularly in this newsletter series. However, we beg of […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Air Taxis: Sh*t Just Got Real!
One week ago, we highlighted the intense rivalry between Joby Aviation and Archer Aviation Inc. we highlighted that: […] Archer Aviation Inc., a d […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Aviation, What Is The Origin of Inflation?
Time and again in this newsletter we have warned about inflation. We have insisted for over two years now that inflation is here to stay for the remainder […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Air Taxis: It’s On Now!
Just over a month ago in this digest, We share some remarkable developments with Archer Aviation Inc., a designer and manufacturer of air taxi and […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Wow, Aviation! Our Retirements Could Truly Be at Risk!
Months ago in this newsletter, we touched on the topic of retirement for the overall US workforce and in particular that of the aviation industry. We were […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Aviation Still Flying Toward Sustainability.
In this digest, we have talked quite a couple of times about aviation sustainability. We’ve talked about the development of sustainable aviation fuels ( […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Aviation, Please Understand Fed’s Actions. Your Livelihood Depends On It!
If you pay the least bit of attention to the economy and what’s going on in the country from an economic perspective, you would’ve undoubtedly noticed tha […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
This Day in Aviation History.
Dear Reeder. For those of you who are located in the United States, we hope you had a restful and wonderful Labor Day weekend. For those outside the US, […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Aviation Moves…
Dear Reeder. In this week’s On Aviation™ Digest, we have decided to share with you some recent aviation developments ranging from Environment Social and […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Dying Business Travel: The Airlines Achilles Heel?
We have talked a lot in this newsletter about the current challenges faced by the aviation industry, and those challenges that are still yet to come. We […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Aviation Bankruptcy…
Readers of this newsletter series know that we talk a lot about the challenges that will be facing the aviation industry over the coming years and in […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
CBDC: What's All The fuss?
It is now evident that many in the general public are having a hard time accepting the concept of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). From Wall […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Aviation, Here we go…
Dear reader, Once more in this week’s On Aviation™ Digest, we have decided to bring you a couple of stories that we have found to be quite int […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Oh, Come on! Why is the Spirit-JetBlue Deal Not Yet Complete?
Many of us are well aware of the efforts to merge Spirit Airlines with JetBlue Airlines. In fact, the merger began with Spirit and Frontier Airlines, […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Aviation, What’s Going On?
Dear reader, in this week’s On Aviation™ Digest, We have decided to bring you a couple of stories that we found to be quite interesting. These are cur […]
Orlando O. Spencer I™ wrote a new post right now
Aviation: U.S. Fed Launched FedNow! Is This Central Bank Digital Currency?
In continuation of our series on Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), we would like to share some major developments on what’s going on with the Un […]
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